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Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences


All group visits need to be booked in advance via our online booking system. Please book at least two weeks in advance. All of these services are free of charge however we welcome donations.

The Sedgwick Museum encourages visits from school groups of all ages, we also welcome higher education and all other community groups.

Planning Sessions

We recommend booking a pre-visit meeting to make the most of your group visit to the Museum. In this session, you will get a short tour of the Museum, highlighting objects appropriate to your area of interest, and a chance to plan your visit and work to support it in the classroom.

What can I book?

Facilitated Workshops

Facilitated visits are available during term time on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings and all day Thursday. These are led by the Education Coordinator, they last an hour and a half and include time to explore the Museum galleries and an object handling session. We offer workshops for Early Years and Primary education. We are unable to offer any taught sessions for EFL students. Click here for more information about the workshops we offer.

Self-led Visits

You will lead your school, HE/EFL or community group around the Museum. There are also lots of resources available to use in the Museum to support self-led visits. Click here for more information about resources for your self-led visit.

Additional Resources

If you have children in your group with autism or other sensory conditions, you can download our visual story before you arrive. Please tell the Education Coordinator when you book how we can best support your group.


If you are unable to book a facilitated visit there are classroom resources and loan boxes as well as other resources to use in the Museum. The Education Team is always happy to arrange a pre-visit meeting to help you plan your visit. 

Further Information

Group Size

The maximum number per group is 35 plus adults and we can only accommodate one group at a time. Please make sure that you bring enough adults with you to conform to LEA guidelines in terms of pupil/adult ratio for trips. Larger groups can be accommodated over two or more sessions. Many large groups choose to combine a visit to the Sedgwick Museum with visits to other nearby University of Cambridge Museums. The Museum of Zoology, Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology and the Whipple Museum are all within a few minutes walk. The opening hours and group visiting policies vary so please contact individual museums for specific details.


We offer group visits, facilitated workshops and welcome talks at no charge. We invite donations from school parties visiting the Museum and using the education service. 


The Sedgwick Museum does not have a cafe on site and eating and drinking is not allowed in the Museum. The Whale cafe at the nearby Museum of Zoology is open to the public. Our team will be happy to tell you about other local places to eat and drink. There are several open spaces nearby for picnics in good weather. The Downing Place United Reform Church is right next door and has a special deal for schools who want to rent a room for lunch.

Coats and bags

There is a rack for hanging up bags and coats in the Museum entranceway. The Museum cannot accept any responsibility for loss of, or damage to, items left here.


The Museum is a public space as well as a place of work for University staff and is used by many different groups and individuals. Please help us to make everybody’s visit to the Museum safe and pleasant and respect the needs of people working nearby.

It is the responsibility of the group leader to make sure that members of the group are aware of these points, and to also inform helpers that it is their shared responsibility to maintain these standards during the visit.

Museum Opening Times

Monday - Friday: 10am - 5pm

Saturday: 10am - 4pm

Sunday: Closed

Admission Free

Please note our lift is currently unavailable

No booking required (except groups)