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Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences


The Friends of the Sedgwick Museum is an independently run charity which exists to support and encourage the development of the Museum, and promote and publicise geology to a wider audience.


Membership of the Friends is open to all. Members benefit from:

  • Talks on topics relevant to the Museum's collections held within the Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge and online
  • Guided visits to places of geological interest
  • Social events including a Christmas party and an annual dinner
  • Newsletters to keep members informed about events and activities
  • Exclusive previews of new exhibitions



How to Join

You can join as an individual, family group, or at a special concessionary rate if you are under 18, unemployed or retired.
Membership rates are:

  • £12 per year for an individual
  • £18 per year for a family (2 or more persons living at the same address)
  • £8 per year for concessions
  • £6 per year for young persons (under the age of 18)

Download an application form 


Please complete the application form, pay the membership fee as detailed on the form, and send a scan or photo of the form to

If necessary, payment of the membership fee can be made by cheque, payable to ‘The Friends of the Sedgwick Museum’. Please send the application form plus cheque to: 

Friends of the Sedgwick Museum,

c/o Dept of Earth Sciences,

Downing Street,



Trilobite - The Friends' Newsletter

Trilobite is the newsletter of the Friends of the Sedgwick Museum. It contains information about upcoming events in the Museum and the activities (including talks and field trips) of the Friends. You can download the latest Trilobite newsletter below or visit the Trilobite Archive for previous issues.

Please note that certain events need to be pre-booked.



General Data Protection Regulations
Friends of the Sedgwick Museum Privacy Policy under General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), 2018

Museum Opening Times

Monday - Friday: 10am - 5pm

Saturday: 10am - 4pm

Sunday: Closed

Admission Free

No booking required (except groups)

Please note that on Wednesday 19th February the Museum will close at 1pm